Recently I had a small e-mail correspondance with a keen collector, Sherwin Dunner, who had detected the shown 78 rpm in a pile of Brazilian records bought from another collector. As the scan of the record shows, it was issued by Victor in Brazil (Victor, 33549) and features two tunes by a group named Os Namorados da Lua. The shown Victor, 33549-B, has the title 'Pampeira' and states Gastão Lobo & Rogério Guimarães as composers. The recording is not listed in the FUNARTE discography of Brazilian 78 rpm recordings from 1902 to 1964. But it is listed in the collection available at Instituto Moreira Salles and can be listened to thanks to the online search facility at IMS. To hear the shown 'Pampeira', click picture or here Sherwin Dunner would like to know, if GB Lobo participates in the recording, as the featured Hawaiian steel guitar playing the melody sounds like him. To me it's definitely GB Lobo on steel guitar, and the recording is an example of evidence that GB Lobo continued his career as a recording artist in Brazil after the break of the Les Loups duo in Spain early 1931, when Lobo and Oscar Alemán agreed to stop their co-operation. According to the listed info at IMS the recording was made 09/04/1932 and issued May 1932. The actual record, Victor, 33549, is the only one listed by the group Os Namorados da Lua at IMS, and I have not been able to find written documentation about the names of the participating musicians.
The group most certainly features GB Lobo on hawaiin steel guitar, a guitarist that may be the other stated composer of the tune, Rogério Guimarães (left below), a mandolinist (- possibly Luperce Miranda (right below), who worked with Rogério Guimarães at the time of the recording), unknown double bass and percussion.

The A-side of Victor, 33549, shown below, features a composition by Aldo Taranto, 'Lábios rubros'. Again it's most certainly GB Lobo playing the melody line on Hawaiian steel g, and although the music is listed as a choro it sounds more like a rhumba thanks to the pulsating rhythm of the featured double bass in the recording. To hear the music, click picture below or here 
Thanks to Sherwin Dunner for making and forwarding the scans of the record, a true collectors' item and an important piece of evidence in the research of GB Lobo's recorded output in Brazil from the 1930s.
This small article will also be posted at the Keepswinging blogspot and later incorporated in a revised version of the GB Lobo site at the Keep Swinging web.