Oscar Alemán - 100 Años "Una Leyenda"

Este año será memorable para todos los fanáticos de la música de Oscar Alemán porque el 20 de febrero de 2009 se cumplirán 100 años del nacimiento del maestro.
On the 20th of February 2009 we'll commemorate the fact that Oscar Alemán was born 100 years ago. This fact will be celebrated in Argentina, where he is still an icon of the Argentine jazz.
On the 20th of February 2009 we'll commemorate the fact that Oscar Alemán was born 100 years ago. This fact will be celebrated in Argentina, where he is still an icon of the Argentine jazz.

Oscar Alemán: Nacido el 20 de Febrero de 1909, en la Republica Argentina, Oriundo de Machagai, provenia de una familia de músicos. Guitarrista, showman, un gran artista que desde Machagai, El Chaco, se proyectó al mundo y volvió triunfante a su pais.

An great tribute to a great artist, through music, made by his granddaughter, Jorgelina Alemán, vocalist, accompanied by great musicians. Special guests will be guitar player Ricardo Pellican and other guest players, like piano player Guillermo "Dito" De Langhe, Lucrecia Garcia, Guastavino, Flavio Calvo and more.

The program will open with Ricardo Pellican on the guitar; then a presentation on screen of a letter by Oscar Alemán and a concert by Jorgelina Alemán and her sextet, featuring Daniel Cossarini, her husband, at the piano, Juan Martinez on the guitar, Alejandro Ruiz on the bass and Gabriel Vignoli on drums. Several guest players, mentioned above, will bring their hommage to Oscar Alemán.
Machagai, 20 Febrero de 2009.
10.00 a.m. Complejo Agora - Machagai.
The next day, on the 21st of February 2009, there will be a second concert in the city of Resistencia with the same artists.
The Hot Club de Boedo, a well known Argentine quartet, will bring, on the day we commemorate the fact that el maestro was born 100 years ago, an homage to Oscar Alemán on the 20th of February 2009 at 9.00 a.m. in the Asociación de Fomento y Biblioteca Popular General Alvear in the Avellaneda 542. CABA (Buenos Aires). Free admission.
Los muchachos de Hot Club de Boedo are Waldo Fonseca, leader of the quartet and guitar player, Heldo Fonseca on the clarinet, Martín López Goitía on the rhythm guitar and Julián Pierángeli on the bass.

El viernes 20 de Febrero a las 21:00 hs. en Asociación de Fomento y Biblioteca Popular General Alvear, Hot Club de Boedo dará un concierto de jazz en homenaje a Oscar Alemán en el centenario de su nacimiento, en el cual se interpretarán los temas clásicos de su repertorio. Avellaneda 542. CABA. (la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires). Entrada libre y gratuita.

Los muchachos de Hot Club de Boedo: Waldo Fonseca: guitarra y dirección; Heldo Fonseca: clarinete; Martín López Goitía: guitarra rítmica y Julián Pierángeli: bajo
The pictures, used for this contribution, were made during a previous concert last year in the Glorias Club Argentinas, Bastione Tanguero Mataderos de Barrio. In this club, guest violin player Leonardo Suarez Paz, who often played with Oscar in this venue. The people still speak about Oscar with respect and affection.
Los fotos de la última presentación del año pasado de Hot Club de Boedo y un entrañable amigo el violinista Leonardo Suárez Paz. La misma fue tomada en Club Glorias Argentinas, Bastión Tanguero de Barrio de Mataderos, donde tocó en muchas oportunidades Oscar Alemán y te puedo asegurar que el recuerdo de la gente es de permanente cariño y admiración.
Keep Swinging
Hans Koert
Thank you, Hans, for announcing these great events to commemorate Oscar Alemán on the 20th of February. Like myself, I know you would love to attend these events, if it had been possible! Anyway, we will be there in our thoughts and wish all attending a great experience.
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