
Today I got this comment about our Oscar Aleman blog spot:
Es verdad, aunque usted no lo crea. El holandés Hans Koert lleva adelante desde el 2004 el Proyecto Redescubrimiento de Oscar Alemán, que consiste en la recopilación de todo tipo de material en torno al gran guitarrista. Fotos, grabaciones, notas periodísticas y ediciones discográficas van conformando una importantísima fuente de información que se encuentra disponible en su propio blog.Indispensable.
Berenice Corti
For those people who don't read Spanish, here's the translation:
Can you imagine? The Dutch Hans Koert created the 2004 Redescubrimiento Project de Oscar Alemán, who consists the compilation of all type of material around the great guitarist. Journalistic photos, recordings, notes and discográfical information are conforming a most important source of intelligence that is available in its own blog. Indispensable.
Berenici Corti
Thank you Berenici for your nice words.

The Oscar Aleman project ( El redescubrimiento de Oscar Aleman project) was born as a result of our common interest. We call ourselves the Alemaniacs: Jørgen Larsen ( from Denmark), Theo van der Graaff and myself, Hans Koert ( from The Netherlands).
We all admire the music of Oscar Aleman and want to share it with other collectors.
The results of this project are not only to find in our Oscar Aleman blog, but also in our website which contains a complete discography, unpublished pictures made by Theo during his 1979-1980 visit to Oscar and articles as results of research.
This website is to be found here ( part of:
This contribution has also been published at my Keep swinging blogspot.