Jazzwereld Feest 2
He played as a soloist and in a jam session with musicians like Annie Xhofleer, a Dutch vocalist, Johnny Claes (an English Belgian trumpet player) and members of the Swing Papas (the forerunner of the well-known Dutch Swing College Band).
During an “after-party” in Scheveningen Oscar Alemán took part on a jam-session with musicians like Johnny Fresco, a Dutch tenor sax player from the Swing Aristocrats and, Maurice van Kleef, a Dutch drummer, known from his recordings with the Coleman Hawkins Trio the year before. During his performance he played Hombre Mio ( Man of Mine), that would become his signature tune, Susurrando( Whispering ), and Querida de Nadie ( Nobody’s Sweetheart ) two titles he recorded solo the year before.
It was a great success. The Dutch critics enjoyed his performance. The journal Het Vaderland wrote:
Oscar Aleman is a great guitar player. Especially his right hand is technically very amazing; the finger picking technique is so perfect, that we thought hearing the skills of Segovia. It was a great musical enjoyment with one minor point .. it was too short.
Oscar Aleman is een groot gitarist, ….. Technisch is vooral zijn rechterhand ontwikkeld; de onafhankelijkheid der vingers is zoo ten top gevoerd, dat wij meermalen moesten denken aan de vaardigheid van een Segovia, …. Het was een wonderlijk muzikaal genot, met één feilen: het was te kort !
In 1971 Oscar writes to the Dutch ‘Doctor Jazz Magazine” :
Most of the “Doctor Jazz” readers are too young to know, but older people might have told them I was a great success in Scheveningen. It was something unforgettable for me. It was the happiest moment in my live.
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